
Thank you for visiting us at LightFair International in Las Vegas

With this post, we want to thank you for visiting our booth at the LightFair International in Las Vegas. Our visitors were over 500 and it was a really great opportunity to share with all of you our thoughts about our LED Optical Solutions. We also received very positive feedbacks on our latest new innovation, Galileo Oprical System, the revolutionary Optical Module that allows you to customize your final LED lighting applications without any tooling cost. To go on to share with you thoughts and experiences about the LED Lighting Market and our LED solutions, we invite you to contact us by email, khatod@khatod.com. It'd be great to meet you again in the next most important events about LED Lighting. The next one we wil join is the Guangzhou International Lighiting Exhibition, June 9-12 2010, and our booth wil be 6.1 C33.

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